
toddler games

My son has been doing quite well with the speaking portion of his toddler development these days. Most of the time I understand what he is saying. Every once in a while, however, it's like a game of charades.

This morning he woke up hysterical at 5:30am, hours earlier than our rooster usually crows.
He kept repeating the same unknown word to me over and over; getting more frustrated and hysterical the more I got it wrong.

Mommy, want Payte (screaming and crying, tossing self around the bed)

Plate? You want a plate? Let's go to the kitch....

No! PAYTE, Mommy, I want PAYTE! (repeated over and over like he is on fire)

Plate? a plate. plate? you want a plate? tell mommy again.....


Oh BITE. Bite? Are you hungry?

noooooooooo want PAYTE (getting more angry)

Oh PLAY! You want to PLAY?


(I can no longer think of possible words he is trying to say. I scoop him up and head into the kitchen.)

Do you want some banana?

yes. (he rubs his wet eyes, eats, drinks and goes back to sleep. game over.)