I read about this cool indoor skydiving place called ifly from my friend Heidi. I took Mike there to fly. It was seriously the most fun I have had in a long time, I was more excited to see all these strangers (+Mike) fly than all of them combined, actually doing it.

My favorite moments:
This bearded dude that couldn't get up initially. And Zane's face pressed against the window watching him have trouble getting up off the ground. He had a hard time controlling his body (as expected for people whom have not been skydiving before). And then the bearded dude making a face like a roaring lion at Zane once he was flying as their faces were both pressed against the glass. I think Zane might have peed his pants. I laughed so hard think I did, too.

My favorite moments:
This bearded dude that couldn't get up initially. And Zane's face pressed against the window watching him have trouble getting up off the ground. He had a hard time controlling his body (as expected for people whom have not been skydiving before). And then the bearded dude making a face like a roaring lion at Zane once he was flying as their faces were both pressed against the glass. I think Zane might have peed his pants. I laughed so hard think I did, too.

It was also awesome to see the helper dudes that worked there between groups show off. It was like seeing The Matrix live, they walked around on the walls sideways, zoomed up to the top (which seemed like it went 3 stories high) and back down at lightening speed. Mike liked the guys that did leaps like fairies the best and spun in mid-air like ballerinas.
It's never a good idea to put the baby down for a nap when he doesn't have a shirt on. Trying to slip my arm from under his body during the sneak-out is like giving the back of his neck an Indian Burn. Of course he is going to wake up upon transition.
I enjoyed watching the H&M employee pass me on his walk to work while I gingerly sipped my jamba juice while nursing the baby and doing my best to verbally restrain Zane. Hey that would be a cool band name: Verbally Restain Zane. It has an Eric's Trip feel to it. So he walks frozen and seems to have carefully molded his hair into this attempt at being messy on purpose in a gothic/ metrosexual way. And then there was this bag situated with the strap across his chest and tote part immovable at his hip. And then the trademark converse, perfectly clean and purchased no sooner than last week. He was trying so hard for a look, but wasn't quite sure what it should be, but dammit it landed him this great job at H&M so now he has to try and replicate it every day. All I could imagine was him chanting in his head as he walked by with the most upright posture of all pedestrians: "I must walk stiff so as to not upset my hair".
It's never a good idea to put the baby down for a nap when he doesn't have a shirt on. Trying to slip my arm from under his body during the sneak-out is like giving the back of his neck an Indian Burn. Of course he is going to wake up upon transition.
I enjoyed watching the H&M employee pass me on his walk to work while I gingerly sipped my jamba juice while nursing the baby and doing my best to verbally restrain Zane. Hey that would be a cool band name: Verbally Restain Zane. It has an Eric's Trip feel to it. So he walks frozen and seems to have carefully molded his hair into this attempt at being messy on purpose in a gothic/ metrosexual way. And then there was this bag situated with the strap across his chest and tote part immovable at his hip. And then the trademark converse, perfectly clean and purchased no sooner than last week. He was trying so hard for a look, but wasn't quite sure what it should be, but dammit it landed him this great job at H&M so now he has to try and replicate it every day. All I could imagine was him chanting in his head as he walked by with the most upright posture of all pedestrians: "I must walk stiff so as to not upset my hair".