Just some favorite duds. For someone who hates to shop and tries to spend as little as possible on clothing.
To sleep in or go to the gym in these work perfect from Old Navy:

Dress from Motherhood (ignore the shoes) :

Jeans from Motherhood:

Skirt from Motherhood (ignore ugly shoes in the photo):

a) Motherhood

b) Shades: the trick for me was getting a regular style in size Large (
not maternity, it was too much material- felt like it went down to my knees)

c) Old Navy:

Shorts: The Gap. These rock and are worth the price because they have figured out we don't need 12 yards of extra fabric to hang below the groin. The material stretches and the elastic waistband is very forgiving. I might suggest a size up from your normal number just for some extra room, that plan worked well for me.