Last week a friend asked me how I deal with it as she feels she struggles with her husband working late nights.
The truth is there are nights I don't feel I handle it very well. Then there are weeks I am amazed I was so positive, busy, and cheerful. We don't always have a great deal of time to prepare for all travel schedules that have come our way, but his schooling in NY prepared us for this. It was an emotional rollercoaster of an adjustment, but that ride wasn't as bumpy or long as we flew through each semester.
I am hoping that same pattern can happen (more quickly) as we adjust to this new-to-us industry of consulting. It's a career change that we both knew would be different and require sacrifice. "It is not forever" is what I often tell myself.
When I tried to respond to that friend about how I handle it, I found myself at a loss for words. I remembered what we used to do when he was in school, but I have neglected to draw from that experience. This pondering was a good time for me to remember the strategy we had in place before. That night I made plans for the babysitter and we are finally going to the Oakland Temple for the first time this weekend! I hope to make it a monthly ritual once again.
These are other things
that help pass the time:
-Ladies nights (I have them at my house while Zane sleeps since I can't really attend many social outings during the week nights)
-Hobby (e.i. write/ blog, drum, paint or build something, get a new t.v. show to look forward to, netflix, try cooking new things he wouldn't like, etc)
-Book date nights well in advance- so helpful!
-Schedule break time for YOU, too (get nails done on weekend)
-Day time outings, the weeks we have more play dates scheduled are the best (wildlife or science museum, zoo, mall, take walks, friend's house, explore something new)
-Call people! Newer friends, old-school friends, family...Most importantly is to not spend the week without seeing/ talking to other adults! Invite friends for potluck lunch and go to others' when invited.
-DO NOT INDULGE. I think in the past 7 weeks he was gone I replaced the list above with food and candy, so don't do that. It's bad news.
not my pic