
she's away with the pixies

I have not made very many friends that are girls that have a fondness of music near the calibur of my enthusiasm, let alone similar genre. Cannace (sp?), however, was a girl I met briefly when I first moved to Brooklyn. I met her at church. She was single. So while I was married I always felt like a boring old hag and didn't bother to initiate hanging out with her. I never really put effort into being friends. In between (and during) church meetings we had several conversations at length about music. Then she moved. But! Before moving we each allowed the other to borrow one of our personal favorites in our music collections. I gave her Ben Lee's Grandpaw Would. In hindsight, a stale CD of years past by an Australian chap probably didn't suit her fancy.

She gave me a Yo La Tango CD titled And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out. I admit they have a sound that doesn't appeal to me. I think from a big picture scheme of things (re-sale value) I got the better end of the eternal CD exchange.

The point of all of this is to say that even though I won't purchase any of their albums, they officially get my vote for Best Album Title Ever with their newest titled:

I Am Not Afraid Of You

And I Will Beat Your Ass

If I were still in high school I would go to the concert just to get a shirt with this title on it. And I would make sure to wear it to the dinner table every night. To honor the step-dad.