
my thursday night enfant

This is the view from my kitchen window in the evening.

I chuckled inside this week when we went for 'sushi' in SF while I ate my California Roll.....IN California. I often have to remind myself that I really live here now and say it out loud to make it seem more real. That my zip code starts with 9. That we can (and did) get sunburns.

Each day it feels less like a vacation and more like my new home. I can't get over how bright it is and how blue the sky is EVERY DAY (so far). In NY you have to jump at the chance you have a fully good-weather-day: one that's not too humid; sunny, but not chilly. Then you drop what you are doing and get the kid to the park before it changes. I feel like I landed in paradise.

Don't get me wrong, David Gray's latest album suffocates my heart each time I listen to it -for what I have left behind so far away, what will never be replaced no matter where I live or who I meet.