home sickness
I miss wearing my pink coat
loud New Yoawka accents
the fashion forward people around me
no chit chat from the cashiers
bronx river parkway
the duck pond
my stoop
Zane's blue & yellow room
being settled, things in places where I want them
my safe, smaller home with only one entrance to secure
the neighborly dry cleaning discount
my porch light
borrowing an egg from mimi, my neighbor
The grumpy italian guy down the block
The Jesus statue in his lawn
the crazy dad that yelled at his kids on the other side of the fence
the girl on Kensington who played basketball out front after school
my drumming lessons
the wedding store that always had a new, dazzling dress displayed in the window
the cobbler! we had a cobbler!
my refrigerator that didn't close on me with brute force
my oven lock
afternoons at the park with friends and their kids I have seen grow since birth
being there for a friend who needs me
getting a slice with that friend when I need her