This love affair with food is especially wonderful during most parts of pregnancy for me. The enhanced sense of smell turns it into magical moments when few things are more desirable. Sometimes there will be aversions, sometimes fixations that exits for a period of time. Last time around Salisbury steak was one of those fixations.
It was all I could think about. Unless going out to a diner, it was hard to come by. But that wouldn't stop me. I became a frequent flyer by the frozen food section and kept my freezer well stocked with any and every frozen food variety of Salisbury steak. Any would do, but if I had to rank a first place winner, it would be the Hungry-Man version. Unlike its competitors, it usually left me most satisfied without the need for a second dinner.
It's a good thing I have a husband who can stand by and accept this part of who I am, knowing some sick fixations like this one would eventually fade with time. Even though I am convinced if it were not for one fateful evening, I might still be seen scarfing the rubbery hunk of heavenly meat dripping with brown sauce and small mushrooms parts. oh you know you want some.
As for that fateful evening.....(queue mystery music)
We were going out to dinner with a friend. We were all dressed and ready to go when I thought I could heat up a quick appetizer of the lovely Salisbury steak (Ss) before we left while someone went to use the restroom. I didn't plan on eating all of it, just a few bites. I would take any amount I could cram into my mouth before they were ready to walk out the door. Oh, just in case the food at the restaurant didn't have anything I wanted, at least I knew I could walk in partially satisfied. I didn't want to wait too long for the Ss fix I had been dreaming about all day.
I got caught. Mike saw what I was trying to do and gave a little grumble. He didn't want to wait for the 7 minutes for it to cook and then for me to eat it. After all, we were GOING OUT to eat! Surely there would be food I could find edible to order from the menu. He had a good point, I pulled the little plastic tray out of the microwave with a pout and sadly wrapped it up. But I gave it a secret smile, for I planned to devour its deliciousness as soon as we returned home.
My meal there was not stellar and my quench for the Ss had not been fulfilled, so I was in the fridge before the guys even walked through the door frame. They went to play video games while I had my eating date I had longer for all evening. I reheated it and took a big, gravy-filled bite. Somehow in all the commotion and interruption from my initial heating of the Salisbury steak dinner I got the times for cooking it all wrong. My bite was half frozen.
And with that, it was all over. My 30 day love affair with Salisbury steak had ended. But it will always hold special memories in my heart.