

I wish I had the energy, time, and resources to start a positive news website. I hate checking CNN every day because it reminds me this world is burning to oblivion and the end is near. Which isn't necessarily the case, awesome things and miracles happen all the time. I want to hear about those, too. The uplifting things that make you smile, not the tragic stuff of people burning in hot air balloons. While that sucks for the dead and their loved ones, and while it's a random twist of events that doesn't happen so often, it doesn't need all the coverage it's getting.

There have to be other stories more amazing to report on. I am sure there was a little baby somewhere who survived a major surgery and recovered in ways that can only be explained as a miracle.

Perhaps there is a Hollywood couple madly in love and celebrating lots of years of marriage with no suspicion of infidelity.

A new family moving into a home built by Habitat for Humanity.

A major medical discovery that will bring hope to a disease that needs a cure.

A child adopted into a loving family.

Teenagers making right decisions and participating in the community.

We really do live in a place where lots of things are going alright and not falling apart. While I am aware it is important to have an awareness of the world around me, especially some of the bad, the negative doesn't need to dominate the headlines every single day.

I know, I need to shut it and just watch Oprah.