Today was a great day. I am getting control of the organizational side of my brain I used to use in, was it.........2001? Doesn't matter, the point is I am getting a handle on my days again. And instead of making a list each day of 574 things I want to do, I am planning the hours with what I realistically can do. I started the week with a master wish list I keep adding to of things I want + need to get done (admin, errands, cleaning, kid play, scheduled events like school and soccer, etc.). Each day I plug my schdule for the day into an hourly time table and then fill in some of the available space with things from my master list.
[jeez, this sounds so elementary, but it's not naturally how I operate so bear with me]
This is thanks to 1. a friend advising that it seems I am happier when I am more organized (so true Mariah! thank*u*very*much) and 2. a husband who suggested this method for daily planning instead of my monster unrealistic lists and 3. a preschooler always deserves an answer when he asks: what we are going to do next?
I find that without planning my head is like a 32 disc changer constantly spinning and wondering which of the dozens of things I need to and want to do should come next. ALL OF THEM RIGHT NOW is what I think and then I can't focus on the current task nor do I transition into a priority task next (i.e. never got dry cleaning last week!). I normally get so confused and overwhelmed I just sit down and waste some time re-reading the same blogs I read 5 minutes ago. Or listen to my playlist again. Or wipe down the kitchen counters again.
So three cheers for productivity! And to a fabulous day that was not overscheduled and found all things accomplished with a clear mind, happy children, and peace. We didn't have to rush through anything because I knew we were doing exactly what we needed to be doing that hour without clouding my mind with stress about what else I should be doing.
Some of my favorite parts of the day:
*Snuggling Evan to sleep and watching him breathe in my arms.
*Playing Candyland and eating popcorn with Zane while Evan slept.
*Music time with clean kids in jammies (Evan: xylophone/ dancer, Zane: guitar, Liz: drums)
*Dozens of smooches on my baby. Rubbing his growing tummy as it peeked out.
*Reading re-found favorite stories to Zane he loved in CA (Alexander...., Knuffle Bunny, Wocket, Caps for Sale, etc)
Being organized helps me think more clearly, enjoy my kids more, and get productive. I wonder what it would be like for every day of my life to be so smooth?
[jeez, this sounds so elementary, but it's not naturally how I operate so bear with me]
This is thanks to 1. a friend advising that it seems I am happier when I am more organized (so true Mariah! thank*u*very*much) and 2. a husband who suggested this method for daily planning instead of my monster unrealistic lists and 3. a preschooler always deserves an answer when he asks: what we are going to do next?
I find that without planning my head is like a 32 disc changer constantly spinning and wondering which of the dozens of things I need to and want to do should come next. ALL OF THEM RIGHT NOW is what I think and then I can't focus on the current task nor do I transition into a priority task next (i.e. never got dry cleaning last week!). I normally get so confused and overwhelmed I just sit down and waste some time re-reading the same blogs I read 5 minutes ago. Or listen to my playlist again. Or wipe down the kitchen counters again.
So three cheers for productivity! And to a fabulous day that was not overscheduled and found all things accomplished with a clear mind, happy children, and peace. We didn't have to rush through anything because I knew we were doing exactly what we needed to be doing that hour without clouding my mind with stress about what else I should be doing.
Some of my favorite parts of the day:
*Snuggling Evan to sleep and watching him breathe in my arms.
*Playing Candyland and eating popcorn with Zane while Evan slept.
*Music time with clean kids in jammies (Evan: xylophone/ dancer, Zane: guitar, Liz: drums)
*Dozens of smooches on my baby. Rubbing his growing tummy as it peeked out.
*Reading re-found favorite stories to Zane he loved in CA (Alexander...., Knuffle Bunny, Wocket, Caps for Sale, etc)
Being organized helps me think more clearly, enjoy my kids more, and get productive. I wonder what it would be like for every day of my life to be so smooth?