Last night flipping channels I ran across a little segment (movie?) of Ten Tiny Love Stories. I couldn't change the channel. It was like my college perfomance art class- just one woman (actress) at a time speaking to the camera for about 15 minutes in the comfort of 'her' home. Each took me on a brief and poignant journey of heart break or confession that allowed me to feel little bursts of energy, good and bad. Voice accents and body language added incredible depth to the monologues. Each would end abruptly and I wanted to know more. Until the next story began the trance all over again.
I loved the ironic details out of nowhere. "And then there were the artichoke hearts". So I waited patiently to hear what would evolve around that bizarre comment. It made me want to create my own little short stories about my past tiny love stories.
They never get told, really, do they? Our past love stories- the funny, the sad, the happy, the pleasant. They just get tucked away into a memory rolodex until a song or image triggers them to surface only to be pushed away.
What a great anonymous blog that would be- tiny love stories people could send away. To get them out of the rolodex for us to read and enjoy. To hear about your artichokes would be so fun.