The essence of being part of a family is something I am gushing with pleasure in today. Of having the role that is being a wife and mother. The ability to fully participate in all related responsibilities with a higher degree of enjoyment. With health in my navel and marrow in my bones. I am beginning to realize what the prior sentence actually feels like.
I would be remiss if I didn't tell you I have a broken heart for the other people. Those other people who sat (or will sit) in the same chair I sat in. The ones that keep going in the process. For those that had (or will have) the path that is a fear and terror I could never begin to imagine. I cried hard for those people last night and hope that if I cross paths with any of them I can offer assistance in one way or another.
It's like we are all in the same room standing in line, given numbers. Some numbers are called into one plan and others into another. I don't know why I get the number that ends the process and others don't. I just wish I could stand next to each of them and hold their hands.
I really just wish no one would get that number at all.