Just in case you weren't sure about how awesome I am, I thought I would respond to this facebook tag. But not on facebook, just cos I am such a rule breaker.
Things I've have done during my lifetime:
(X) Had my heart broken
( ) Got suspended from school (no, but I got sent to the principal, do I get 1/2 a point?)
( ) Watched someone die (only on t.v.)
(X) Been to Canada
( ) Been on a cruise
( ) Been to Mexico
( ) Lived in a group beach house
(X) Been to the Caribbean
(X) Been on a plane
( X) Been on a helicopter
(X ) Gone to Washington, DC
(X) Climbed a mountain
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Played a musical instrument
(X) Sang Karaoke
(X) Been to Hawaii
( ) Been to Alaska
( X) Been to the Hamptons
(X) Paid for a meal with coins only
() Swam with Stingrays
( ) Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
( ) Lived in Manhattan (nope- just worked there)
(X) Made prank phone calls
( ) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans
(X) Laughed until you cried (and/ or peed in my case- very often)
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) Been kicked out of a bar (no, but a hot tub with Mike! Another 1/2 point please)
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(X) Watched the sunrise with someone
(X) Blown bubbles
(X) Gone ice-skating
( ) Been sky diving
( ) Swam in the Indian Ocean
( ) Been deep sea fishing
( ) Driven a motorcycle
( ) Driven across the United States
(X ) Been in a hot air balloon
() Been cliff jumping
(X ) Been to Yankee Stadium
(X) Seen a falling star and made a wish (yes and it came true)
( ) Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
(X) Seen the Statue of Liberty
(X) Traveled by train
(X) Been horse back riding
(X) Ridden on a San Francisco CABLE CAR
(X) Been to Disneyland OR Disney World
() Driven in a foreign country
( ) Swam with dolphins
( ) Been to a bullfight
( ) Been on Safari
( ) Been to the Olympics
( ) Walked on the Great Wall of China
( ) Been water-skiing
() Been snow-skiing
(X ) Been to Westminster Abbey
( )X Been to the Louvre
( ) Swam in the Mediterranean
(X) Been to a Major League Baseball game
( ) Been to a National Football League game
() Been skinny dipping in the last 5 years
() Ridden in an ambulance
() Ridden on an elephant
( ) Ridden on camel
( ) Climbed inside the great pyramid at Giza
( ) See the temples of Luxor and King Tut's tomb (Luxor in Vegas count!? jk)
( X) Been to Niagra Falls
( ) Seen the Taj Mahal