My mom is in AZ and needs a new home for her dog Kiki. They have moved to a location that is not ideal space for Kiki. She would make a really great Christmas gift! She is Greyhound/ Queensland Healer mix. She is 53 pounds. She is 9 years old. She has all her shots and will not need them again for 3 years. She is healthy and house trained to use a dog door (and fixed). Good with cats and dogs.
I will only reject Filliberto's employees and Amanda's mom. All other dog inquiries feel free to email me:
We have a new respite/ habilitation provider for Zane! It's her second week and it is as though she has known Zane his whole life. She is a mother of 3 and a natural at teaching creatively. They get along very well and have a lot of fun together. She is constantly teaching him new things that he is soaking up like a sponge. Watching them reminds me of the time I used to be able to spend with him when it was only us during the day. Oh how I wish I had 4 hours a day with each of my children to only play and teach them 1 on 1.
We are feeling so lucky to have her in our home helping Zane.
I have picked up some more reading materials and on-line research time related to causes and treatments for Autism. It's making me put to use all those hours I spent in the ASU library analyzing scholarly journals, digging change out of my bag for photocopies, using my yellow highlighers until they were empty, organizing note cards, sorting data in my head into different categories and making of it what I believe makes the most sense. I have this strong urge to write my own paper about my research.
It feels good to be thinking again and looking at both sides of an arguement. Genetic? Envirornmental causation? Vaccines? Antibiotics? Leaky gut? Biomedical approach? There is a lot to read and think about. It feels good to be on the other end of it - the end of acceptance, understanding, and moving on. Last year was a really overwhelming December that was wrapped up with a big red bow of depression and anxiety that isn't here this season! I am so happy to be well, putting red bows on presents for my kids instead. Strategizing a game plan for the Autism treatment in our life at a manageable pace.