Tuesday I went to a Chandler School District meeting that outlined the budget cuts that will be made even if Prop 100 passes. We looked at all the cuts that have been made prior to this year already. Then a look at what happens if Prop 100 doesn't pass. It was scary to say the least.
At the end a reporter spoke with me about some comments I made and ended up quoting me in her article. I loved meeting her, envy her job, and I am happy she is covering the story.
Read it here.
If you didn't do mail-in, please vote May 18th.
First love letter!
"to Zane Fum . Matti. {heart- colored in carefully} like you Zane."
We promptly put it up in his room. I love school. His backpack each day is like a treasure trove. It's normally filled with scraps of paper that say 'I love mom' or words he copied off another paper.
I adore this little girl- I totally spied her on the field trip and she's adorable. Don't even think I will hesitate to sneak a photo of her at today's field day. ps. we were super happy to discover 'Matti' was in fact a girl, not a boy.
informative letter to daughter
Dear Sylvia,
One day you may fall in love. And marry. And may want and perhaps be blessed to grow a baby and have a family. If so, you may also choose to breastfeed. If you do, I will commend you because it is an adjustment to say the least. And I want you to know I warned you. That one morning when your milk comes in for the first time your breasts will pretty much resemble this grapefruit by texture, size, and weight. And it really hurts. And your husband's eyes will get wide as saucers and his smile will consume his face and he will say SWEET JEEBUS while rubbing his hands together in delight! And you will curse him for the thought of even coming near them. But! It goes away. The pain and lumpy bits and all. And you might even do it all over again. And again.
This year our son has progressed by leaps and bounds because there was a program in place ready to support him. He has completely mainstreamed into a typical classroom as of this week only because of the support available to him and his teachers. Without these awesome teachers and the paraprofessionals supporting him who knows when he would have been ready for a typical class. This is one small, but important to me, example of why Prop 100 should be a big fat yes. Our schools need our support, especially for kids like mine that would really struggle with a drastic class size increase.
For Arizona, please vote May 18th. And if you feel so inclined, I encourage you to vote yes on Prop 100.
The PASSING of Proposition 100 (Sales Tax Vote) will mean to the state:
· 1 cent sales tax increase will result in about $15 a family per month
· Sales tax increase will end in the three years
· Two-Thirds will be used for the state EDUCATION BUDGET
· 1 cent sales tax increase will result in about $15 a family per month
· Sales tax increase will end in the three years
· Two-Thirds will be used for the state EDUCATION BUDGET
What the PASSING of Proposition 100 will mean to Chandler USD:
- Chandler USD faces 14 million dollars in cuts for 2010-2011
- No significant increases in class size
- No loss of staff size or decrease in teacher salaries
- No significant changes to programs
What the FAILURE of Proposition 100 will mean to Chandler USD:
- 28 million dollars in cuts for 2010-2011
- Significant cuts in support services to our students
- Significant increase in student-teacher ratios
- Significant increase in student-teacher ratios
You can register AND vote from home!
- Voter registration (April 18th is deadline for May election)
- Early Ballot (April 30th is deadline for May election)https://recorder.maricopa.gov/earlyvoteballotnet/evbrequest.aspx
Date Night
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